Back in the day, (wait a minute) - Way back in the day, several centuries back matter of fact, drumming was the equivalent of today’s smart phone. Drumming was the primary way of communication. Tribes used their drums to forecast the weather, announce news of upcoming celebrations. Drums have led us in and out of battles and rituals for centuries.
November Mobile Game Competition Winners!
The winners of the very first World's Fastest Drummer Mobile Game Competition and FREE Drumometer Kits are...

Android - AlfredMacDonald (San Antonio, TX) / Score: 2,792

iOs - Machine333theking (Vancouver, CA) / Score: 2,866
Announcements of future mobile competitions coming soon!

The Results are In!
PASIC 2022 has come to an end and the final results are in.
Click Here for event images and more!

Riseup Labs and the WFD have released an early FREE beta version of the World's Fastest Drummer Mobile Game featuring SpeedE in order to get early feedback from gamers before the official launch of the game on November 30, 2022! Both iOS and Android are available for FREE download on the app store. Please download, play, and let us know your comments in a review.
On November 30th, A FREE OFFICIAL DRUMOMETER will be awarded to the highest score to both android player and ios player, so be sure to enter you name with score in leaderboard.

Do You Have What it Takes To be PASIC's Fastest Drummer in 2022? Prove it!
It's almost that time of year again... PASIC 2022 is just around the corner. Do you have what it takes to beat the competition and take home the title of PASIC's fastest in 2022?
This year's event will be held November 9th - 12th in Indianapolis, IN. We hope to see you there!
More information to come soon...

World's Fastest Drummer Gaming!
The World's Fastest Drummer Online Game has been online for years and then the new Arcade version burst onto the scene. Next in the works, new WFD Game versions for Playstation, the Switch, and more!

WFD PASIC's Fastest Feet Winner
Stephen Dorbish shows off his new Mapex Drum Set!
Stephen Dorbish was the winner of the World's Fastest Drummer 2021 PASIC event for Fastest Feet was spotted showing off his new Ultramarine Mapex Armory Series Drum Kit that he was awarded for his win in the
competition. Congrats to Stephen and all our winners from the PASIC 2021 event, and special thanks to Jeff Mulvihill and team Mapex for all their support!

If you ever wondered what it would be like to sit through the entire World's Fastest Drummer competition, this video gives you the compressed version of the entire show with just the highlights and some fun is thrown in as well!

Except for the Speed of Light
Which is Absolute

WFD PASIC's Fastest Final Standings Are In!
The World's Fastest Drummer PASIC's Fastest competition has come to an end and the final results are in. The first place Fastest Hands winner was Logan Newhouse with 904 single strokes and Fastest Feet went to Stephen Dorbish with 809 single strokes. Each first place winner took home a brand new Mapex Armory Drum Set as their reward. While the contestants who gained second place, Gage Kroljic (Fastest Hands - 895) and Drew Neal (Fastest Feet - 771), both received 50 Remo Drum Heads of their selection. A big thank you to everyone that came out to join in the fun in Indianapolis!

Do You Have What it Takes To be PASIC's Fastest Drummer in 2021? Prove it!
2020 had a distinct lack of many things that we hold near and dear. Now that we are all working our way back to some sense of normalcy, we are extremely happy to announce
the return of WFD and the PASIC's Fastest competition in 2021. This year's PASIC event will be held in November in Indianapolis, IN, and will bring a return of the high speed drumming
More information to come soon... we hope to see you there!
World's Fastest Drummer
India 2020
The final scores are in and the 2020 WFD India Fastest Drummer Champion is Dharun Selvam with a score of 935! View the full standings for the event HERE.

World's Fastest Drummer
PASIC's Fastest 2019

The WFD PASIC's Fastest 2019 Competition was a heated throwdown at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in Indianapolis at the Indiana Convention Center. We had a phenomenal turn out this year and a fierce competition that was just as exciting to watch as it was to compete in. Once the dust settled, we crowned this years PASIC's Fastest Winners, Marc Wilkens and Dane Slinger. For videos and event images visit the PASIC 2019 Event Page.

Do You Have What it Takes To be PASIC's Fastest Drummer in 2019? Prove it!
The WFD PASIC's Fastest 2019 Competition will be held at PASIC in Indianapolis, IN in November. Come on out and try your hand at the competition or just watch as we find out who will be PASIC's Fastest Dummer in 2019.

World's Fastest Drummer
Latest News
WFD Netherlands Valggetjesdag Scheveningen 2019

In a recent competition on June 15th, around 100 competitors tried their hand at being WFD Netherlands Fastest Drummer. When the dust settled and the results were in, the winners were announced for each category. In the competition of those under the age of 13 the winner was Janeau Guelen with 631 strokes in a minute who was trailed closely by Rover Aalbers with a score of 630 and Sterre of District with a score of 629. In the 13 to 17 age group, Tiage Scholten took 3rd place with 684 strokes. 2nd place went to Pieter Boekhorst with a score of 742, and 1st place was awarded to Bink van Wijk with an astounding score of 837 in a single minute. In the 18 and up competition group, Oma Kruik took 3rd with a score of 685 and 2nd place went to Ricardo Rensen with a solid 738. With a score of 821 strokes, Rob Lamers claimed 1st place.

The overall competition champion went to Bink van Wijk from the 13 to 17 age group category who scored the highest strokes per minute of the whole competition and took the title of fastest with 837 strokes. Many great prizes were awarded to the winners including an Adams bass drum twin pedal, an Adams bass drum pedal, a Drumeo Best Beginner book on drumming (including a free month of online lessons), Adams drumstick bags, drum sticks, drum lessons, and free studio hours.
WFD Netherlands Cor Jansen Passes the Drumsticks to Barry Kruik

Cor Jansen passed the torch, or drumsticks so to speak, to Barry Kruik officially making him the new Director of World's Fastest Drummer of The Netherlands. Jansen has been the head of the WFD branch since 2016 when he introduced the WFD to the Netherlands. Having taken the top at the WFD Finals twice, was a perfect candidate for the job. He has reliquished his position and dubbed Kruik as his successor. Kruik, owner of De Scheveningen Muziekschuur as well as a drumming instructor, is now officially the new Director after a ceremonious moment (shown above) when Jensen handed over his drumsticks and made it official.
Los Angeles Times Cites WFD's
Innovative Marketing Style

World's Fastest Drummer was cited among HP, Apple, Nike, and Church's Chicken as brands that are utilizing documentaries as a method to reach a demographic of people who have shunned traditional media in an article release by the Los Angeles Times on June 11th. In a partnership with Church's Chicken, WFD created WFD Fast Company a docu-series about the WFD. The series of short documentaries showed such success through views on YouTube and Facebook proving the success of getting the companies in front of an audience that otherwise they may not have reached. The article points out that these documentaries focus on not just delivering branded content, but delievering a real story that is enjoyable for the audience. This proves what we already knew... you, our fans, desire something that is meaningful, and that is what we always strive to deliver to you.
World's Fastest Drummer
PASIC's Fastest 2018
Competitior Spotlight

Behind the Scenes at PASIC 2018

Eric Carr
The winner of this years PASIC's Fastest Hands Compeition, Eric Carr, takes you behind the scenes to explain what it was like to compete at this year's PASIC's WFD event.
Find out the determination it takes to be the winner, how the drumometer works, if he really is the World's Fastest Drummer, and more in this special insider's video.

WFD Ghatam India

Mugunthan Karky
Shows His WFD Skills
At the young age of five, Mugunthan Karky is making a name for himself on the WFD scene. He recently scored 423 strokes in a single minute earning a WFD Award (shown left). Currently, he studies under the instruction of percussion master Dr. Abdul Halim at Sacred Heart Middle School.

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All contents of this site are Copyright ©1999-2022
McAfee Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WFD, World's Fastest Drummer, Extreme Sport Drumming, and the WFD icon are registered Trademarks of McAfee Enterprises Inc.
Battle of the Hands, Battle of the Feet, World's Fastest Hands, World's Fastest Feet, WFD World Finals, WFD World Champion, and Miss WFD are Trademarks
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