A Little Surprise From WFD!

Arcade Game
New Record Holder...
Jackeline Sepulveda!
Scores 814!
Claiming the Highest Score
of the Month!
Jackeline is quoted as stating, "Aqui en la aventura !!! La semana q viene vuelvo pa romper ese record!!!!!! Fui el mejor record de este mes el mas alto en el mes !!! Pero El #1 en general sera my place !!"
Roughly translated by our development team (please excuse any errors in their efforts) as, "Here in the adventure! The week that is coming back to break that record !!! I was the best record of this month the highest in the month! But # 1 in general will be my place !!"
All of us at the WFD would like to applaude and congratulate Jackeline in her epic display of skill and well deserved achievement of stepping into the record holders of the WFD Arcade Game. She definitely has a lot of skill and it will not be the last we hear from her we are sure!.
Achievement Photos
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